Thursday, January 13, 2011

Black Butler II

The destruction was everywhere. it was as if hell had been sent to earth, countles bodies lay scattered on the cold roads of the london streets. raging fires lighting up the night sky with its amber glow. screams piercing the smoke filled air. a lone boy slowly walking towards the center of the town. he was on his way to see the queen- to kill her. he now knew who it had been that killed his parents. She had. his cold dead eyes driffted looked up towards the door; he could not remember how he had gotten there, or why to this door but he opened it anyway. there in the dark was the queen, laying in her magnificent silk bed- now soiled by her blood. her body still perfect all exept her torso, that looked as if Corrosive acid had been poured all over. she was know dead and he had no reason to remain. as he was about to turn and make his leave, a shrill scream froze his heart. he turned and to see a royal maid standing out side the queens quarters.

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