Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Black Butler 3

As his demon and the angel of massacre also once the queens knight were in the air fighting.they were moving so fast, he couldn't see them. He could only differentiate them by the color they wore, his butler all black and that  beastly so called angel. Ciel could tell that sebastian was at the disadvantage and he could only hope for the sake of his revenge that he would not lose. a strong gust of wind made from both of there blades colliding made him lose his balance and roll twards the edge. as he fell over the side his hand griped the very edge. sebastian was at his side almost instently, but as he looked up he made a gruesome find. yes he had come to his aid almost instantaneously but at hte cost of one of his arms. "Young master, i must request something of you... can you hold on for ten seconds and please clothes your eyes." the demon asked. Ciel complied, closing his eyes, he could see not but still he was able to hear the battler continue. he could hear it with perfect clarity. "It would seem my time has come to show my true form. and i have only but ten seconds to destroy you. "
"Ten"  ciel could not see it but feel it.
"Nine" the change in the air.
"Eight." and he could hear it.
"Seven." he knew that his demon was changing to his true self.
"Six." and after the change.
"five." the screaming began.
"Four." the sound of tearing of limbs
"Three." the screams getting louder.
"Two" more tearing.
"One." and the all was quiet.
"Master." Ciels eye snapped open, looking dierctly at sebastian, who was now back in his butler facade.
Ciel looked into his eyes he smirked and let his hands slip from edge he'd been holding on to. as he feel he looked up to the shoked face of his butler. he let his eyes slip closed while he made his desende into the dark icy water.

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