Friday, January 28, 2011

Would You Rather

I'd rather have a beautiful house, than a beautiful car. I really don't go out that much as it is so it won't affect me that much.
I'd rather have a husband that was super smart but not cute at all. Because if my spouse was smart we'd have more money.
I'd rather be invisable that read minds, that way my annoying father couldn't pester me anymore.

Would you rather... liove to be a hundred but live the most boring life or live to be 25 and lifed a adventours and exiting life?

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


My date of conception was on or about 16 July 1993 which was a Friday.
I was born on a Friday, under the astrological sign Aries
My Life path number is 8.
My fortune cookie reads:
If you would be loved, love and be lovable. 
I am most compatible with those with the Life Path numbers 2, 4, 8, 11 & 22.

I was born in the Chinese year of the Dog.
I am 530,267,392 seconds old.

Monday, January 24, 2011

What's in a Name?

No i never knew the meaning of my name,Nancy. Previously a medieval diminutive of ANNIS, though since the 18th century it has been a diminutive of ANNE. It is now usually regarded as an independent name. During the 20th century it became very popular in the United States. my name means- gracious.  i never liked it, it made me feel and sound too normal. yes i would gladly change it if i could. If i could i would change my name to any of the following: Cecilie, Athena, Violet, or Rubi.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Zodiac Sign

My zodiac sign is Aries. The traits associated with aries are- Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac.This sign, more than any other, needs to lead. A natural-born warrior, fearless and courageous when positive, but foolhardy and reckless when negative, an Aries person is difficult to ignore, highly competitive, hard to beat, in sufferably annoying, but strangely likeable.Aries people are strong-willed, adventurous, naturally extrovert, and impulsive.Loaded with energy and vitality, they charge at full power into their endeavors and expect people to keep up with them. Most Arian people are direct, outspoken and uncomplicated. Arians can strike out and hurt, both mentally and physically, but they are just as quick to forgive and forget. Yes i wouls say that somr of these traits i do have. i am very competitive and hate to lose. I can be adventrous when i want to be. Yes i do believe in astrology. Yes my sign did change when the astrological charts were realigned. Im not really sure what to think about it. i've always been Aires.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Black Butler 3

As his demon and the angel of massacre also once the queens knight were in the air fighting.they were moving so fast, he couldn't see them. He could only differentiate them by the color they wore, his butler all black and that  beastly so called angel. Ciel could tell that sebastian was at the disadvantage and he could only hope for the sake of his revenge that he would not lose. a strong gust of wind made from both of there blades colliding made him lose his balance and roll twards the edge. as he fell over the side his hand griped the very edge. sebastian was at his side almost instently, but as he looked up he made a gruesome find. yes he had come to his aid almost instantaneously but at hte cost of one of his arms. "Young master, i must request something of you... can you hold on for ten seconds and please clothes your eyes." the demon asked. Ciel complied, closing his eyes, he could see not but still he was able to hear the battler continue. he could hear it with perfect clarity. "It would seem my time has come to show my true form. and i have only but ten seconds to destroy you. "
"Ten"  ciel could not see it but feel it.
"Nine" the change in the air.
"Eight." and he could hear it.
"Seven." he knew that his demon was changing to his true self.
"Six." and after the change.
"five." the screaming began.
"Four." the sound of tearing of limbs
"Three." the screams getting louder.
"Two" more tearing.
"One." and the all was quiet.
"Master." Ciels eye snapped open, looking dierctly at sebastian, who was now back in his butler facade.
Ciel looked into his eyes he smirked and let his hands slip from edge he'd been holding on to. as he feel he looked up to the shoked face of his butler. he let his eyes slip closed while he made his desende into the dark icy water.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Black Butler II

The destruction was everywhere. it was as if hell had been sent to earth, countles bodies lay scattered on the cold roads of the london streets. raging fires lighting up the night sky with its amber glow. screams piercing the smoke filled air. a lone boy slowly walking towards the center of the town. he was on his way to see the queen- to kill her. he now knew who it had been that killed his parents. She had. his cold dead eyes driffted looked up towards the door; he could not remember how he had gotten there, or why to this door but he opened it anyway. there in the dark was the queen, laying in her magnificent silk bed- now soiled by her blood. her body still perfect all exept her torso, that looked as if Corrosive acid had been poured all over. she was know dead and he had no reason to remain. as he was about to turn and make his leave, a shrill scream froze his heart. he turned and to see a royal maid standing out side the queens quarters.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Black Butler

A small 12 year boy named ciel, was cold and heartless. once would have been Depicted  as a lovely boy with a beautiful and rich family and a joyful simle. Until someone killed his family and burned his home to the ground. he then disappeared for a whole month, in that month he endured endless pain and suffering. Also in that month he did something no one should ever do, he made contract with the devil. In exchange for help in finding his parents killers his would forsake his soul, at the end of there contract. the devil agreed. and gave him one of his most fathful demons. "I shall never Contradict you and Continuously reamin at your side ,until the day i take your soul, young master" the demon said. ceil named the demon 'sebastian'. after that he reterned home, and inherited his parents title and had his estate rebuilt. sebastian has Continuously remained by his young masters side for the last two years, and protected him from all danger. humbuly serveing him as he desperately trys to find the ones responsible, often taking Drastic messures to find them. And has remained at his side, until the day he takes his soul and seal the contract that they had agreed upon.

Friday, January 7, 2011

New Years Eve

I think my best new yaers was deffintely last years. My best friend and I spent it together at my moms party. It was way fun.
My worst new years was deffinetly 2011 i didn't do any thing I was just at home, designing. No party no friends, no nothing.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Silver and Gold

I spent most of my summer with my best friend kenya. Yes we are still best friends, we have very diffrent intrest but we're still very close. We have known each other for a very long time (7 years) and thats too good a friendship to give up just because of a few diffrences. I don't make friends easy so i really can't say i have new friends. All the friends i have i've known for a while now.