Thursday, April 21, 2011


Yes i think this qualifies as art. Art is a very important part of our lives, it expreces what we feel and is also a way for us to relese strees. It may not put food on the table for everybody but there are some with amazing talent Do you think arts should be emphasized more now in schools?  Why or why not?

Friday, April 15, 2011


When i was 7 i was at the store with my family and i wanted ice cream, my pernts got me the ice cream. i kept it with me and i didn't klet it go, by the time i realised i had it i was infront of the car. Yes i do.No i didn't get caught.No i don't regret it... it was good ice cream. :)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Best Friends Forever!

My best friends name is Kenya Z. I meet her in my gym class, when my partner for gym class was absent and she was new so our coach put us together. It was the best thing that could have happened to me, we failed our jump rope test but we became best friends almost right away, and i still consider her one of my best friends. I am always able to tell her things i could never tell to anyone else, she is probably the only person who knows all of my secrets.
  1.  She is funny.
  2.  She is so crazy when she wants to be.
  3. but also keeps me in check when i want to do something too crazy. 

  1. One of the things we love to do together is nothing... just sitting or laying down talking.
  2. We take our moms car out for a joy ride when our parents aren't home or are asleep.
  3. And we love going anywhere we can be loud and have fun.

I wish i could be less shy like she is! she is very social.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


When i was a baby mt mother told me i was scared of purple grapes, my mom would dangle them in front of my face and i would get scared and cry till she moved them.
My little sister Gema(8) was scared of frogs, once when we went to a lake she got chased around frog and it got on her and she strated crying, and had a fear of them ever since.

Friday, April 1, 2011


1pm, waking up late in the afternoon
Gotta get to school and fix my hair
Gotta have my giant green monster, monster, monster
Seein' all the cute guys, their pants down to there knees
Seein’ everyone, they wont shut it up
Talkin’ on and on, everybody’s not hushin’
Gotta get out of school

Gotta cditch my class, my class my class