Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I Want The Gold

My favorite thing about the video is the lady in the car saying the thing in the tree is a 'crack head that got hold of the wrong stuff', I also think she was the craziest person. The craziest superstition that I believe in is if you hear an owl atmid night, someone will die. One of the craziest superstition  that someone I know believes in is if you whistle at night, a nightwalker will come to your home.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Bad Kids

The worst things ii ever did as a child were:
  1. me and my best friend sneaked out at midnight to go meet another friend and hang out we were 12. :)
  2. me and my best friend took my moms car to 711 to get some junk food because we had run out. we were 14 :)
  3. me and my two best friends told my mom we were staying with one of my friends parents for the weekend, but they were out of town, and we stayed all weekend together by our selfs. we were 10. :)
yes it was bad to steal the car and wrecking it several times... if your going to take a car at least be carful not to get caught. :D

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Bed Intruder

Yes i've heard the expretion "All's well that ends well".  i think it means even though something bad is, or has happened to you if it ends good then its not ll that bad. Yes, I think it's true. nope, not at the moment.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Charlie Bit Me

have felt Schadenfreude from someone else's pain or injury. It's not so much that i am happy to see them in pain but it's always made me giggle to see them get hurt. If it happens to someone i don't like or i hate then all the better. If something happened to them i would feel happy and i would feel like they deserverd the misfortune they got. It doesn't matter how much i like or hate the person, if they get hurt i'll probably . and it does matter how bad it is if it's someone i like there is a point were its not funny. but if they are someone i hate, i will probably still laugh... maybe.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Most Embarrassing Moment

I was in 10 years old and i was friday and the bell had just rung and i was running out of school and i had forgotten that my moms black jeep had not been working that day so she said she was going to pick me up in her friends can and as i was looking for my moms jeep i saw a black jeep out in the very front of the school. without a second thought-i was too eger to get out of school to think- i ran to it and got in. It turns out that wasn't my mother's jeep it was some old lady's that had come to pick up her granddaughter from school. needless to say i was mortified, and to make amtters worse my mother saw the whole thing and was laughing even as i got into the jeep and she drove off. :S

Thursday, March 3, 2011


"It's not wrong to fight to protect your world. We all know, no one else will protect it , you could lose everything if you can’t keep up and do what is needed. All justice in this world is just a bunch of principles made by those with power to suit themselves. Only two kinds of people exist in this world: those who steal…and those who are stolen from."