Friday, February 25, 2011

Speak With Authority

I tend to be more relaxed with my friends so sometimes i let my grammer slip up, and say things in a way i wouldn't say them normaly. If im around a teacher or a person of authority i tend to use better grammer. I don't normaly think about my words before i say them. I do commit some of the verbal offences like 'you know?' when i speck, mostly around my friends for family- which is when im most at ease. How you speak is very important, it demonstates what kind of a person you are. Your speech effects how a person looks at you. Like if you were going for a job interview, if your grammer can be the deal breaker of reciving that job or not.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Budget Cuts

Governor Rick Perry recently announced that he was cutting the budget cuts in Texas, and it will affect countless people, including us, the students. His decision to begin with cutting school budget is a direct contradiction to one of the things that he as well as his administration have been focusing on and that is, improving education, yet now he has decided to begin budgeting with our school funds. Not only is this unfair to the students by drastically reducing their education, there for not giving nor improving our education that we will need in the future to run our country,  but also taking away or cutting some elective, and  justifying it by saying we could do it on our own time. Many students don’t have the luxury of being able to peruse it because of the current economic crises. He also announced that he may also be eliminating the Texas Historical Commission and the Texas Commission on the Arts.  I for one am very passionate of both history and the arts as well as many students in Texas are. History is not only a very important subject which should be valued, but is also very fascinating to many students, myself included. History has helped us not make the same mistakes and repetitions that our predecessors have made, but helped us understand were certain decisions have gone wrong so we don’t repeat them.  The arts are not only a beautiful expression, but a savior for some children. The arts are how somoe kids are able to attened school and have the future that they have dreamed of. To take this away from us, would not only himder our futuers but the future of our country.

Monday, February 21, 2011


If I were the President... i would make it to were students have school off saturday sunday and wensday. and make the legal drinking age 16. :) 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Jake couldn't wait to get to school. Today was the day of the class Valentine's Day party, and there had been this boy that he has liked but has always been too shy to say and because he was afraid that if he did and was rejected the whole school would find out and pick on him. Hes been working up the nerve to tell Izumi his best friend about his secret love for him. as they were getting ready for the party jake walked to izumi, izumi looked and smiled at him. "hey jake wat's up?" Jake felt nervous again. "umm.. after the party could i talk to you out by the big slide?" "sure!" Izumi smiled happily, woundering what his best friend wanted to tell him.
"we sould get ready for the party, it's about to start"
as they moved to go inside the classroom, they bumped into another bot in there class named william, he was carring a large cake and when they bumped into him he tripped and all the cake fell on him

Monday, February 7, 2011

Halftime Show

IT  WAS AMAZING!!! OMG SLASH!!!! HE IS SO AWESOME!! yes i like the black eyed peas. i think she is dumb, if your going to do something that big you should have practiced more or toned down the dramatics and focused on the words.