Monday, November 29, 2010

Smart Words

  1. A continuous paper form fed from the printer.
  2. Her words contridicted her actions.
  3. She contributes to several charities on her free time.
  4. She has made a big contribution to our company.
  5. She spilled a corrosive substance on her hand.

Monday, November 22, 2010

I am Thankful

I am thankful for...
  1. my mother
  2. my sisters
  3. my best friend
  4. music
  5. t.v.
  6. my families health
  7. books
  8. internet
  9. glow sticks
  10. glitter

Thursday, November 18, 2010


If I could choose 3 magical talents or skills I would choose:
  1. Hypnosis
  2. invisability
  3. flying

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Pet Peeves

My 3 Pet Peeves are:

  1. when people are hypocrites.
  2. When people see that something is not right and ignor it insted of helping, and then complan about the world being screwed up. 
  3. When my sisters don't listen.

Monday, November 8, 2010

More Money More Problems

  1.  Currency means,A generally accepted form of money, including coins and paper notes, which is issued by a government and circulated within an economy. Used as a medium of exchange for goods and services, currency is the basis for trade.
  2. convert currency means when you change from one currency to another.
  3. The country I dream of traveling to is Japan. The currency is in Japan is Yen. I'm not sure, but i think you'll have to convert currency to spend when you go there.